Tea Explorer

Brewing Guide

Learn how to brew the perfect cup of tea with our step-by-step brewing guide.

  1. Choose Your Tea

    Select a tea that suits your taste and mood. Remember that different tea types have unique flavors and properties.

  2. Measure the Tea

    Use 1 teaspoon of loose leaf tea per 8 ounces of water. Adjust the amount of tea to your taste preference.

  3. Heat the Water

    Heat water to the appropriate temperature for your tea type. For example, green tea is best brewed at around 175°F, while black tea can handle boiling water at 212°F.

  4. Steep the Tea

    Allow the tea to steep for the recommended time based on the tea type. Generally, 2-3 minutes for green tea, 3-5 minutes for black tea, and 4-5 minutes for oolong tea. Experiment to find your perfect brewing time.

  5. Enjoy Your Tea

    Remove the tea leaves and enjoy your perfectly brewed cup of tea. Feel free to add sweeteners, milk, or other flavorings as desired.